Martes, 09 Junio 2015
Last modified on Martes, 09 Junio 2015
The 5th Born in Bradford Scientific Conference ‘Science that changes a City: Evidence from Born in Bradford’ will be held on 7th September 2015. The Conference is a full day event, from 9:15am-4.30pm, and takes place at the National Media Museum which is in the centre of Bradford. It is…
Lunes, 31 Marzo 2014
Last modified on Martes, 15 Julio 2014
The HELIX Consortium Meeting 2014 will take place from 17-19 June in Barcelona, Spain. Fieldwork progress, laboratory analysis and statistical methodology will form key items on the agenda.On 19th June, Professor Amy Herring, of the Department of Biostatistics at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA), will address…
Lunes, 17 Marzo 2014
Last modified on Martes, 15 Julio 2014
On Monday 24th March, a scientific meeting addressing early determinants of childhood obesity, takes place in Heraklion, Greece.The meeting is organised by the University of Crete, and is open to professionals active in the field of childhood obesity research.Find below the official programme of the day. If you are interested…
Viernes, 24 Enero 2014
Last modified on Viernes, 24 Enero 2014
The International festival of environmental films (FIFE), taking place 4-11 February in Paris, will this year again feature a ’health and environment’ theme. In partnership with the organisers, The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) will be hosting two debates linked to three films addressing how the environment affects our health…